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Monetization Playbook #79 — Man was born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.

Safety in Numbers

'Man was born free—yet everywhere he is in chains.'

—Jean-Jacques Rousseau [ 1712-1778 ]

Looking into the barrel of the turbulent times in which he lived, Rosseau implied that people subordinate their rights and freedoms when they consent to live together and abide by agreed rules. 

Beneficial to many because it means that the majority feels safer.

There's safety in numbers.

But unfortunately, many are not in that number.

Still, this is as it should be, right? It is–what it is! 

Pay to play is well accepted within our culture. 

It all works fine until it doesn't–when it all falls apart.

Homeostasis–when something that should be changing doesn't–because of a response to conditions around it.

Corporate culture is one example of homeostasis. And changing–changing is not easy!

The chains that hold us back; both comfort and restrict us. 

But, we need to remember that everybody is seeking to move forward beyond the economic or social chains which bind them!