Yes, Charm Pricing Still Works…

Charm Pricing is a valuable pricing and monetization tool that is massively underused.

Here are 3 reasons why it works:

1/ Your customer is not always going to act rationally. They're humans, not economic models!

2/ Time-pressured consumers don't remember the entire price, just the first digit [the left-hand digit effect]

3/ Even 1 penny change is better than none

There's a more detailed breakdown of the pricing signal theory here.

…The graphic above shows a few simple tactics to boost your revenue.

Let’s breakdown 3 simple tactical changes you can make to your pricing today:
a] Use 99’s. 99’s still convert better than whole numbers

Reduce Font Size. Reduced price font size converts better than large font

Syllable Reduction: Syllable reduction: One-thousand four hundred and ninety-nine (10 syllables) vs  Fourteen ninety-nine (5 syllables)

Super simple, actionable pricing hacks that apply to e-commerce businesses all over the internet.

That's all folks.

If you don't want to miss more monetization and pricing guides (like this one), please do join me on

Thanks to Monetization University for sponsoring. I rely on them to check my research.

Monetization & Out — Gary