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Monetization Playbook #73 —Imagination decides everything

Imagination Decides Everything!

Imagination decides everything. Yet, most are afraid to use it. 


For many, the psychological concept of 'what you see is all there is' hinders the evolution and expression of new ideas.

To posit an opinion that runs counter to the embedded heuristic–is to court dissonance. And nobody appreciates cognitive dissonance–especially when thrust upon them.

Imagination is about that which can be made visible. Creation is about investigation and experimentation. Vision can be life-changing.We are all capable of creativity

"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come"–
Victor Hugo.

Imagine introducing the idea of digital currency to an institution merely five years ago. Would you have been praised or made a pariah? 

A little over twenty-five years in the City, I can count the number of colleagues who unabashedly offered their imagination.

They know who they are! But unfortunately, they rarely reaped the benefits of their innovative nature.

In startup culture, being early is often worse than being late.

2nd mover advantage is more likely to create winners than the inventor. Google was not the first to search. Facebook not the first to connect us socially.

So even at the avant-garde of corporates, being first is not always rewarded.

So how do you express imagination without being viewed as an imbecile?

This question unknowingly dogs every recruit. How much of themselves to reveal–and when? 

You can't know. The only decision you can make is whether to show up.

Ziggy Stardust remains an iconic persona in the music world. Even in the edgy world or 70's showy glam rock creatives, it stands as a beacon of imagination–a light that never wanes.

Perhaps we should all take a leaf out of the Bowie imagination playbook.

Now that would be an excellent zoom call!