Monetization Playbook #72 — Man is a machine


Me and my GPT-3 or, is it, 'My GPT-3 and I?

Will machines ever replace humans?

Four decades on from the low budget TV show Space 1999 and I still cannot fully imagine a time when machines entirely replace us.

Artificial intelligence will change things for sure.

–Grammarly, Hemingway, and are great Natural Language Programming [NLP], and Generative Pre-trained Transformer [GPT [1,2 & 3]] based tools already help many writers operate with incredible speed and accuracy.

But, these all require human input.
–Human input to the program.
–Human information to direct deep learning.
–Human input shapes the output from the GPT.
The articles do not write themselves!

When Thomas Hobbes argued that 'man is a machine'–he positioned that if we don't give our obedience to an accountable higher power, we will descend into chaos and anarchy. Umm, sounds familiar!

But the rise of alternative currencies and mediums of exchange has brought us even closer to the sovereign individual's ascendancy.

States offering tax holidays and other incentives to tempt brain reserves from other competing dominions are just the start. 

How many startups have left silicon valley for Austin, Miami and now Wyoming!

The biggest lever of change, therefore, relates to what the lever is. 

Software emerged as one of the biggest levers in the past decade.

Many are making bets on technology outside of the current speculation bubble–but not as a replacement to humans.

Technology's role will be as a muse to human imagination, human spirit, and human fortitude. 

Technology will be your new BFF!


Monetization Playbook #73 —Imagination decides everything


Monetization Playbook #71 —Knowledge is power