Hi, I'm Gary Bailey. (say hello on LinkedIn)

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I qualified as a Chartered Accountant at Deloitte UK and spent the next 20 years working as a Finance Exec at three top 20 global investment banks.

Lucrative and pretty good fun, but the opposite of entrepreneurial. Lesson No.1 Property Power [Intellectual]

So, in search of a challenge, I started a restaurant chain. Fun and entrepreneurial, but not lucrative. Lesson No.2 – Platform Power [Uber/Deliveroo]

After two years of consulting with startups, I figured out that my pricing experience offered the maximum results leverage. Lesson No.3 Pareto Power [Power Laws]

These three lessons led to the insight – Monetization is a secret hiding in plain sight.

Strat-e-gym and the training programme @ Monetization University is the product of that insight.

Working in investment banks, I spent most of my time making things look complicated. Now I spend most of my time making things simple and more accessible to learn. 

To aid this learning, I created monetization mental models, laws and playbooks that enable you to - Learn Once, Apply Forever.

That’s the story behind our bootlace logo.

As with shoelaces, once learnt, the skill becomes so innate that you can barely explain it; it just flows naturally as part of our muscle memory.  

That’s the goal. Monetization as a Discipline.

Before simplifying monetization and pricing for people like you and me, I controlled and unpacked pricing for companies like these:

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