Monetization Playbook #77 —Reality is a historical process


Live in the Future!

Reality is a historical process.

—Georg Hegel [ 1770-1831 ]

Reality is a historical process.

Even when limited to the recent past, the reality is never separable from the present and future contexts in which it is placed and gives rise.

So history must be understood as something that emerges from present action.

The faster we innovate, the faster our reality changes and becomes more futuristic.

The best ideas require you to live in a future of your own making. We have an innate sense of what reality means, but what about your specific reality? 

Think about where you live in comparison to where you were born. Yesterday's knowledge and traditions determine today's reality.

The concept of catalysts provides a mental model for our actions. Business, as an art form, is about the invention of new conventions. These conventions arise from the stimulus of catalysts.

The first step to achieve a new convention is spotting an opportunity. Like when Steve Jobs first saw the mouse and catalyzed the personal computer industry.

Giant leaps are possible but very unlikely. New inventions typically follow minor incremental improvements to the previous design. 

Incremental innovation is good for the customer because it adds value without radically changing the product.

These improvements can be anything from cost-cutting, removing waste, or improving performance.

So make it hard for your rivals.

Add layer upon layer of incremental improvements.

Compounding is the new competitive advantage!


Monetization Playbook #78 — There is nothing new—except what has been forgotten


Monetization Playbook #76 —Man is an animal that makes bargains