Monetization Playbook #65 —Small increases in price can leverage large increases in profit

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Small increases in price can leverage significant increases in profit

Instituting core policy pricing results in powerfully consistent outcomes for your business


–a 1% increase in your price can result in a 10% increase in your profit!

The example above shows a typical overview of the financials. 

Sales less variable–(marginal costs of selling product such as cost of goods)–less fixed expenses (salaries, office, etc.)

The original net profit of 10% - can be increased by 10% to 11% by increasing the sales price from 100 to 101. 

Yes, a 1% increase in price can lead to a 10% profit increase! 

The 1% Rule

Often overlooked entirely, or at best, seen as overly simplistic, the 1% rule is a powerful policy tool in your monetization execution strategy. 

Best utilized by linking your price to an anchor, such as price inflation - consumer price index or other internal markers, you can power your profits with these minor tweaks. 


Monetization Playbook #66 —Attention Span v’s Attention Spend


Monetization Playbook #64 —Blue Ocean Innovation