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Monetization Playbook #59–Eating Customer Complexity–Data Storage

Eating Customer Data Storage Complexity

Coding is hard. Computing is complicated, and storage–well, storage is a mystery to all but the anointed few.

Yeah, I'd done the right of passage Computing Science assignment venn-diagram program in Basic, using my ZX Spectrum, but Paul Allen, I was not!

Therefore it was with much horror that I somehow became the storage champion in my first audit job.

Champion is perhaps a grandiose title for what was essentially the 'data back-up boy.'

But with a train of floppy disks in hand, I went about my task. Copying this, saving that, and transferring these. I was a floppy disk legend.

They called me 'Mr. Floppy'. Okay–not great for my dating rep–but the audit partners showed great interest!

Until that day.
That hot summer’s day.
Chilling in the park with Julie, eating sandwiches from a hip new joint – Pret A Manger – now I'm showing my age!

That fateful day that I forgot my overarching task as the floppy disk king––and just luxuriated in the sun. 

Back at the office, things started to heat up.

"Can I retrieve the audit file for client X, Gary?"

"Yeah, no problem."

Disk inserted. Disk error! Attempt two. Disk error!

"Is everything okay, Gary?"

“Yeah, I've got this, no worries."

….Attempt five. 'Disk error–re-format disk!'

The game was up. The Floppy king de-throned. 

But what was it that led to my downfall?

How did I turn from champion to chump in quick time?

Well, let's take a look at the storage and handling risks for a floppy.

  1. Improper housing: Most disks are improperly stored.

  2. Physical abuse: Roughly handling disk.

  3. Magnetic scrambling: Avoid magnetic fields.

  4. Freezing and frying: Extreme cold or heat. Direct exposure to the sun. Aha!

  5. Drowning: This one needs no narrative!

  6. Dust: Disks hate dust.

Talk about a long list of requirements.

Customer ownership friction, what friction?

I had failed to understand that you must treat a disk as well, if not better than a younger member of your family!

Today, I no longer need a floppy.

Or a USB stick [don't even get me started on these!]

The sun cloud is shining down on me once again.

A subscription, a subscription, my kingdom for a subscription!

Dropbox, WeTransfer, Box

Take your pick. Storage has gone from an–on your person–to an–on your desk–to an–on-demand model. 

Transformation indeed!

As the saying goes— to increase monetization, eat your customer's complexity.