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Monetization Playbook #13: Don’t be average, avoid the mediocre middle when launching new products

Don’t be average.

Avoid the mediocre middle when launching new products or services.

There are riches in the niches. Yeah, yeah, we've all heard that one before. So why is it so hard to adhere?

As social beings seeking acceptance and other societal cues–becoming an island is not easy.

Knowing and doing are not the same. My mother used to say, "it is better to do and not know than to know and not do." 

Thus the paths to success usually lie on the outer limits of widely accepted knowledge. 

To revert to the mean–the messy middle–is more dangerous than most think.

For here lies the bulk of the competition–the undifferentiated–the red ocean.

–The space at the end of the pier is where the monetization launch action is!!