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Monetization Playbook #70 —Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows

An Audience, An Audience, My Kingdom For An Audience!

Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows.

—Michel De Montaigne: Philosopher 1533-1592

Some of the best oxymoronic statements are from social media stars with a huge fanbase. They tend to go something like this.

"I love my fans, but I wish they would leave me alone sometimes."

Social media invites us all to forego anonymity in search of the bright lights of fandom: more connections, more followers, more views. 

Long before the ubiquity of mobile, Jay-Z nailed it in the social revolution's infancy with his "Public Service Announcement" record–

"Allow me to re-introduce myself; my name is..."

Such is the lure and leverage of the internet. The enablement of a public service announcement–daily, weekly, monthly, whatever takes your fancy.  

The gatekeepers and bouncers are gone–well, mostly! Welcome to the party!

One of my favourite rabbit holes is engaging with the 'Don Corleone' of pricing and monetization - Patrick Campbell [P.C]. 

The guy runs a multi-million dollar technology company. So you'd think he's got better things to do than personally engage with his followers. Oh no, that's precisely what he does. 

Personalized invites, swag drops, and much, much more–is this guy for real? Yeah, Hell, yeah! 

He's not on social; he's being sociable!

Patrick understands the new powers that the internet has bestowed. We should all follow his lead.

Take us out, Jay-Z…I mean, P.C.

"Allow me to re-introduce myself; my name is P.A.T.R.I.C..."

Don't be on social–get social!